Find a job in Germany

Online lunch talk : How to find a job in Germany ? Meet recruiting consultants, job boards, startups, scale-ups and find a job.


Organized by French Tech Berlin, the event “Find a Job in Germany” was an enlightening online lunch talk that took place on January 23rd, from 12PM to 2PM. The objective was to connect job seekers with recruiting consultants, job boards, and companies to explore opportunities in Germany, with a focus on startups and scale-ups.


Notable participants included Anne-Chrystelle Baetz from Emploi Allemagne, Jerome Lecot of Eurojob Consulting, Hélène Lefort and Anne-Marie Weis from Fradeo, Anja Hiller from Eurorekruter, and various others from diverse consulting and recruiting firms. Additionally, representatives from LinkedIn and Jobteaser, Mark Esser and Felix Hansen respectively, were present to offer insights.

Event Breakdown

  • 12PM – 1PM(in French with English translation)
    • Discussion Points: Particularities of the German employment sector, workings of consulting firms, linguistic importance, candidate advice, and the role of teleworking.
    • Challenges for 2023: Speedy response to candidates, inflation affecting salary expectations, and the search for meaningful work.
    • Upcoming Job Fairs: Mention of Connecti Strasbourg scheduled for 24/11/23.
  • 1PM – 1:30PM(in English)
    • Platforms’ Insight: Christian Pobbig from Cribb, Felix Hansen from JobTeaser, Mark Esser from LinkedIn, and David Kremers from Berlin Partner provided insights into job boards and LinkedIn as tools for recruitment.
  • 1:30PM – 2PM(in English)
    • Job Offers Presentation: Agicap Deutschland, Sendinblue,, and Matera presented their job openings through their representatives.

Key Takeaways

  • Language: Bilingualism (German-English/French) is often crucial for integration and to access more job opportunities.
  • Remote Work: Covid-19 has normalized telework to some extent, with a noted increase in the demand for remote work options from candidates, especially in Germany.
  • Experience vs. Education: In general, professional experience tends to be prioritized over academic qualifications in Germany.
  • Challenges:
    • Companies are advised to respond quickly to relevant profiles.
    • Inflation has heightened candidates’ salary expectations.
    • Top management looks for meaningful work and entrepreneurial projects.
  • Job Boards: Platforms like LinkedIn and JobTeaser have their own methods and tools for making candidates visible to companies and headhunters.

Student Perspective

Noushine Dorrani offered a student’s viewpoint, emphasizing the importance of making German connections and utilizing university alumni networks for job hunting. The absence of industry internships in Germany compared to France was highlighted as a disadvantage.

Technical Aspects

Questions about the French VIE international internship program in 2023, cross-border tax management, and the absence of a German equivalent to France’s APEC were raised and discussed.

Final Remarks

The event successfully offered a platform where prospective employees could directly interact with recruiting professionals, learn about navigating the German job market, and explore job opportunities in various companies, especially in the startup ecosystem. It was organized and moderated by André Pitié with assistance from La DenkFabrik, and in partnership with various Germany Alumni groups from French Management Schools.

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