Zoom on January 24th from 12:30PM to 2:00PM
Video replay :
Presentations :
BMWK dehub, Exist, HTGF, Future Fund, GTAI – State Help for Startups in Germany – French Tech Berlin – 24.01.2025Download

- Jochen Zimmermann, BMWK, Start-up Unit
- Moritz Matzmorr, PtJ Exist
- Christiane Niesert-Mendoza, BMWK Zukunftsfonds
- Philipp Kövener, GTAI
- Markus Hempel, GTAI
- Benedikt Walter, High Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF)
- Florent Buschiazzo, Bpifrance Germany
- Etienne Le Roux, Business France Germany
Moderation, organisation : André Pitié and Marie-Avril Roux-Steinkühler, with the help of Jennifer Jeutner, BMWK