Vivatech Tour : Empowering innovation between market leaders & startups

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 6:00 PM

Mindspace • Berlin

Key Mobility & Automotive sectors players from the corporate side and from the startup side will be giving their insights.

Fireside chat & Networking drinks & snacks. And you will have the opportunity to win tickets for Vivatech 2018 !

An event brought to you by Vivatech & French Tech Berlin.


18h : Welcoming drinks

18h30: Welcome by French Tech Berlin

  • Gunnar Graef, MD Deutsche Ventures & Ambassador French Tech Berlin

18h35: Vivatech 2018 Introduction

  • Julie Ranty, Co-Managing Director, Viva Technology

18h45 : Fireside chat : how to empower innovation between market leaders & startups in the Automotive & Mobility Sector ?

Moderated by Alexander Demling, Journalist, Handelsblatt

  • Hugo Domic, CEO & Co-Founder, POMP Fuel
  • Flora Bellina, Head of Platform Free2Move, PSA Group
  • Christoph Hohmann, Head of Customer Engagement & Communication, Volkswagen We
  • Stephen Burke, Startup Coach – Airbus BizLab
  • Jörg Rheinboldt, CEO Axel Springer Plug & Play

19h15 : Networking Drinks & Snacks

About Vivatechnology : VivaTech is the world’s rendezvous for startups and leaders to celebrate innovation together. It’s a gathering of the world’s brightest minds, talents, and products taking place in Paris on 24–26 May 2018.

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